What Are Probiotics?
By Brittany Nelson, RD, CHWC Not all bacteria are bad for you. In fact, you’ll often see “good” bacteria—called probiotics—on labels in the grocery store and in the drugstore aisle next to your vitamins. But what are probiotics and how do they help you? The name probiotics comes from pro and biota, meaning “for life.” […]
Intimacy Doesn’t Have to End After Menopause
By Katheryn M. Moreira, MD Riverview Health Physicians OB/GYN As we grow older, the need and desire to be close to others doesn’t go away. And a satisfying sex life can be a big part of a healthy, happy relationship. But it’s normal for aging to bring physical changes to women (and men). Let’s take […]
4 Common Gynecologic Problems and Treatments
By Joseph E. Geyer, MD Riverview Health Physicians OB/GYN As a woman, your body goes through a lot of changes during the course of your reproductive lifetime. And you can be sure that gynecologic health issues will arise from time to time. Some of the most common issues you may encounter during your reproductive years […]
Staying Fit for Two: Exercise During Pregnancy
By Stephanie A. Brazus, MD Riverview Health Physicians OB/GYN How important is exercise for healthy pregnant women? Exercise can give you more energy, boost your mood and help you sleep better. It can improve your posture, relieve back pain and other pregnancy discomforts, and prepare you for childbirth. Even if you’re new to exercise, now is […]
Birth control: Find the right one for you
By Dr. Katheryn Moreira Riverview Health Physicians OB/GYN As a gynecologist, I spend a lot of time talking to women of all ages about birth control, which is defined as any method used to prevent pregnancy. When it comes to birth control, there are so many options and there’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. In general, […]
When Prevention is No Longer an Option
By Brittany Nelson, MS, RD, CHWC Taking active steps to prevent breast cancer is something all women (and men) can do. There are many risk factors that can increase the risk of breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute provides an excellent tool called the “Gail Model” which can be helpful in determining your specific risk. […]
How Diet Can Decrease Your Risk for Breast Cancer
By Katie Boscia, MS, RD, IBCLC, CDE There is no one food or diet that can prevent breast cancer. However, there are certain foods that can help boost your immune system and make you healthier, which can decrease the risk of breast cancer. Some foods can help decrease the side effects of treatment and help […]
Exercising During Breast Cancer Treatment
By Ryan Lawson, Exercise Specialist Research strongly suggests that exercise is safe both during and after breast cancer treatment, provided it’s integrated correctly. By exercising during treatment, you can improve your overall wellbeing and develop bodily efficiency. Exercise has also been shown to ease side effects of cancer treatment and boost energy. There are some […]
4 Things Women Should Know About Ovarian Cancer
By Cameual Wright, MD Riverview Health Physician OB/GYN The term “cancer” is typically one that people avoid. But rather than ignoring it, becoming educated about it can be our greatest weapon against it. This is especially the case for women when it comes to ovarian cancer as it can fly under the radar. With that […]
5 Things Your OB/GYN Wants You to Know
As an OB/GYN specialist with Riverview Health Physicians, Cameual Wright, MD, focuses on treating a woman as a whole. Dr. Wright strives to create a place for open communication between her and her patients, and education is a large part of that. By educating women on the five key areas below, she hopes to provide […]