Wellness Resources
By Kristin Lamb, CHWC, wellness coordinator and coach Looking for additional support to take your employee wellness program to the next level? Consider using some of the following local, state and national resources (all content via the organizations’ respective websites): The Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) is one of the nation’s most respected resources for […]
Wellness Screenings: Why They Matter to Employees and Why They Should Matter to You
By Brittany Wonnell, RD, CHWC After completing a biometric screening and taking a health assessment, your employees are now aware of their health. Awareness and receiving education is an important initial step in making healthy lifestyle changes. Carlo DiClemente’s Transtheoretical Model suggests that cognitive processes such as obtaining information and finding the benefits of changing […]

The Need for Employer-based Health Screenings
By Cameual Wright, MD Chronic disease and its associated costs have led to skyrocketing healthcare spending in the United States. The costs attributed to treating chronic disease account for more than 75 percent of healthcare spending. In an effort to decrease healthcare spending and improve access to care, Congress passed the Affordable Care Act in […]