When it comes to eating fruits, you really can’t go wrong. But here are a few points to keep in mind:
- Eat a variety of colors
- Wash them well
- Make them easily accessible for all to snack on and enjoy
Below are fruits that are low in sugar content, full of antioxidants and have many more benefits to support your health.
- BLUEBERRIES—These are some of the most antioxidant-filled fruits you can eat. Blueberries have a low glycemic index, which means they have less of a negative effect on blood sugar and insulin levels. Because of this, blueberries are a great snack for people who have diabetes.
- WATERMELON—Made of nearly 82 percent water, watermelon is a delicious summer staple. While watermelon does contain sugar, eating it in moderation won’t hurt you. Watermelon has been shown to lower blood sugar and blood pressure.
- RASPBERRIES—Half a cup of raspberries contains only seven grams of sugar. Most of the carbohydrates found in raspberries come from their fiber content, which helps you feel full.
- LEMON—This fruit is low in sugar, high in vitamin C and has been found to protect against rheumatoid arthritis. The flavor of lemons can be enjoyed with just a zest or a squeeze. Try adding lemons to your tea, roast chicken or even pasta.
- GRAPEFRUIT—According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), half a grapefruit has only eight grams of sugar. Grapefruits are also filled with vitamin C.
- STRAWBERRIES—The beautiful red color in strawberries makes them a powerhouse of nutritional value. Phenolic acid, which gives strawberries their signature color, helps regulate your blood sugar. With only seven grams of sugar per cup, strawberries are a great option for a healthy dessert.
- BOYSENBERRIES—Boysenberries contain an impressive nine grams of sugar per cup, according to the USDA. The tart berry is filled with fiber, folate, vitamin C and potassium.
- BLACKBERRIES—These contain 4.8 grams of sugar per cup, which makes them a great treat, and they’re good for your heart.
- CRANBERRIES—These berries have an impressive array of phytonutrients in addition to vitamin C. They can taste pretty bitter to some because of their low sugar content.
- AVOCADO—Full of healthy fats, avocados have more potassium than a banana. At four grams of protein, they have the highest amount of protein of any fruit. Avocados are an excellent substitution for butter in baking recipes.
Learn more about eating healthy by participating in a one-on-one nutritional counseling program at Riverview Health.