Eating Healthy at Home: Tips to Feed Your Family While Social Distancing
By Brittany Nelson, Corporate Wellness Supervisor Cooking for your family can be challenging on a good day, let alone while social distancing. While your trips to the grocery store may be fewer and far between, here are some tips to help keep your family nourished and happy at mealtime. Dispose of old food to make […]

12 Ways to Get Protein Without Eating Meat
By Brittany Nelson, Corporate Wellness Supervisor Midwesterners love their meat—especially in Indiana. We often see it as an easy source of protein, but don’t forget it’s not the only way to get those vital nutrients. The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend we consume nutrient-dense protein sources, including various types of meat and plant-based proteins. […]

Eating Healthy While On-the-go
By Bailey Personette, RD, CD, Wellness Dietitian These days everything seems to be go, go go. But just because you’re busy doesn’t mean your eating habits have to suffer. Here are some ideas to try the next time you need a healthy snack on-the-go. Banana and peanut butter: Portion out 2 tablespoons of peanut butter […]

10 Ways to Add More Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet
By Bailey Personette, RD, CD, Wellness Dietitian We’re always told to eat our fruits and vegetables, but have you ever actually thought about how many, if any, you get in a day? The number may surprise you. The goal is to eat five fruits and vegetables each day, but most people don’t reach that goal. […]

How to Handle a Resolution Slip
By Laura Landrey, MS, RD, CD, Wellness Dietitian We’ve all done it. The excitement of a new year brings energy and enthusiasm to start new habits and routines. “This will be the year,” we say as we charge full-speed at our goals. So why is it that by February we usually find ourselves feeling defeated […]

Judging Your Caloric Intake—You’re Doing It Wrong
By Eric Marcotte, MD A big part of a family doctor’s day is spent helping patients with diet and weight issues. One of the problems I often encounter when working with a patient to lose weight is helping them understand how many calories they are actually consuming. Most of us are really bad at estimating […]

Making Your “Cheats” More Like a “Treat”
By Brittany Nelson, RD, CHWC As we make our way into the holiday season, those of us who have been working to have a healthier lifestyle may be cringing a little. Why? Because the holidays are usually full of sweets and other unhealthy foods to tempt us. Often, patients will come to me at this […]

How to Avoid Meal-planning Failure
By Brittany Nelson, RD, CHWC If you fail to plan, you can plan to fail. I don’t know if I always agree with this saying, but when it comes to snacks during our busy lives, I certainly do. It happens all the time—you’re getting the kids ready for school and forget to fuel yourself with […]

Understanding Cholesterol: HDL, LDL and Triglycerides
By Carol Gelatt, RN, BSN There are two types of grocery shoppers—those who race in with a list in hand and meticulously grab every item on the list before checking out and leaving, and those who meander up and down every aisle, not sure what they want until they see it on the shelf. But […]

Meal Planning for Your Busy Schedule
By Brittany Nelson, RD, CHWC If you’ve ever thought about making some type of change to your health, chances are you’ve thought about planning and prepping meals ahead of time. Whether you get ideas from Pinterest, other social media or from talking to your friends, it’s important to understand there isn’t one single way to […]