Proper Hydration Keeps Your Summer Workout Healthy
When we think of summer, we often think of baseball games, hiking, golfing and a number of other outdoor activities. With all that time spent outside, you have a higher risk of dehydration and heatstroke during summer than other times of the year. Did you know water makes up approximately 50-60 percent of your body […]
Enjoy Outdoor Grilling with These Health and Safety Tips
One of the most popular outdoor American pastimes is a good ol’ fashion barbeque. With several opportunities during the summer, and with football season around the corner, grilling opportunities await. Because grilling doesn’t involve oil, heavy breading or frying, it’s one of the healthiest ways to cook your food. However, if done improperly, grilling can […]
Exercise and Arthritis
Research shows exercise is a great tool for managing arthritis and most joint-related pain. Regular, moderate exercise offers a host of benefits including, but not limited to: Reduction in joint pain and stiffness by strengthening the muscles supporting the joint. Increased endurance and flexibility of the joint. Decreased inflammation from arthritis. A regular fitness routine […]