Find Relief from Your Stress
By Brittany Wonnell, RD Stress is the body’s way of responding to a demand or a threat, which causes your nervous system to release stress hormones into your body. Some stress is healthy, but other stress is not. Everyone at some point in his or her life will have to deal with stress and the […]
Support Your Heart with Weight Training
By Ryan Lawson, Exercise Specialist When we think of heart health, often times we picture eating better and including regular cardiovascular exercise into our daily routine. Did you know research has shown that, when appropriately prescribed and supervised, resistance training has positive effects on your muscles, as well as cardiovascular function, metabolism, coronary risk factors […]
DASH for Heart Health
By Katie Boscia, MS, RD The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet, known as the DASH diet, was designed to help prevent and lower high blood pressure. If you follow this diet and add in some exercise, you can lose weight and reduce your risk for strokes, heart disease and kidney stones. The DASH eating […]
Exercise Your Heart Today
By Ryan Lawson, Exercise Specialist A sedentary lifestyle is one of the worst things you can do to your heart. Your heart is a muscle and, like any other muscle, the more you use it, the stronger your heart becomes. Research is continually showing a correlation between regular cardiovascular activity and heart health. Some of […]