Tips for Working Moms Who Breastfeed
According to The Centers for Disease Control, breastfeeding rates drop dramatically when nursing mothers return to work. Each mom has her own journey with breastfeeding. And no matter which journey is taken, it’s important that every mom is supported to do what’s best for her and baby. Some may wonder what the big deal is […]

Helping Others with Your Newborn’s Cord Blood
By Amy Gardner, RNC-OB, MSN Department Manager, Riverview Health Maternity Center As an expecting mom, there’s bound to be a lot on your mind. One thing that may not be on the top of the list, but should be considered, is donating or saving the cord blood of your newborn baby. Without knowing all the […]

Bonding with your baby by breastfeeding
Sarah Long, IBCLC Lactation Consultant at Riverview Hospital Throughout the world breastfeeding remains the norm, just as it has for thousands of years. Yet, for many new moms, establishing a regular breastfeeding routine feels like anything but the norm. With all the physical and emotional changes a woman goes through following the birth of a […]