A pandemic probably wasn’t on your 2020 agenda. Having your world turned upside down is stressful, scary and can seriously affect your mood. During a time of unknowns, it is important to remember small actions can make a big difference on your mood. Here are 10 things you can do right now to brighten your day.
- Turn off the news and stop scrolling. Constantly listening to bad news on TV or hearing it from others on social media can put your body and mind in a prolonged state of stress. Limit yourself to a short amount of time each day to check the latest updates (from a reputable source), and then move on to something else.
- Help someone. The best way to lift your own mood is to lift someone else’s. Bring groceries to an elderly friend or neighbor. Donate blood. Call and check on your family—especially if they live alone. If you’re able, buy gift cards to small businesses. You can use them later, and in the meantime it will help the business continue to pay their employees who may be out of work.
- Exercise with a friend (remotely). Just because the gym isn’t an option right now doesn’t mean you can’t get your body moving. Set up a video chat with a friend and work out together. Exercising with someone else will help hold you both accountable and motivate you. There are countless resources online with home exercises to help get your blood flowing.
- Decorate your windows and sidewalks. Paint your windows with window paint or have fun with sidewalk chalk. Draw encouraging or funny messages for those passing by. If you have children in your home, this is a great way for them to do something nice for others and keep them busy.
- Adopt a pet. If you are working from home, now is a great time to adopt that pet you’ve been thinking about for ages. You will have extra time to bond with your new animal and get them to acclimated to your family. Reach out to your local animal shelter to see if there are any pets that would be a good fit for you—they may just be your new best friend.
- Read a book. Reading is a great way to relax, learn and shut out the rest of the world. Revisit old favorites or read a new book you haven’t had the time to read yet.
- Listen to music. Pick something upbeat. Dance it out, or get some cleaning done to your favorite songs.
- Try a new recipe. Cooking is not only something you can do to feed your family but is also a great way to relax and learn something new. Try a recipe you haven’t been brave enough to take on previously. Or better yet, get your family involved. The extra time at home can be used for cooking lessons with your children.
- Start a new hobby. Maybe you’ve always wanted to play guitar, learn to knit or garden. Learning something new helps pass the time and also gives you a sense of accomplishment.
- Rest. Being exhausted is often a major culprit behind poor mental health. Try to maintain your usual wake and bedtime. Be sure you are getting at least seven hours of sleep each night so you can function at your best.