If you know someone who’s trying to quit using tobacco, you have an important job as a support system. Here are some tips to help your friend or family member who is trying to quit:
- Do respect that the quitter is in charge. This is his or her lifestyle change and challenge, not yours.
- Do ask the person if he or she wants you to call or visit regularly to see how he or she is doing. Let the person know it’s OK to call you whenever he or she needs to hear encouraging words.
- Do help the quitter get what he or she needs, such as sugar-free hard candy to suck on, straws to chew on, and fresh cut-up veggies.
- Do spend time doing things with the quitter to keep his or her mind off tobacco—go to the movies, take a walk to get past a craving (what many call a “nicotine fit”), or take a bike ride together.
- Do help the quitter with a few chores, child care, cooking—whatever will help lighten the stress of quitting.
- Do celebrate along the way. Quitting tobacco is a big deal!
- Don’t take the quitter’s grumpiness personally while he or she is withdrawing from nicotine. The symptoms usually pass in about two weeks.
- Don’t offer advice. Just ask how you can help with the plan or program he or she is using.
For more support, learn about the Freedom from Smoking program at Riverview Health.