Well-doing for Your Well-being
By Kristin Lamb, CHWC We’re fortunate to live in a great community. Hamilton County and its cities are consistently ranked as some of the top places to raise a family. Hamilton County holds some of the top-ranked school systems in Indiana and has also been ranked the healthiest county in the state. But before you […]

The Truth About Coconut Oil
By Brittany Nelson, RD, CHWC Over the past few years, the coconut oil craze has taken off, which has provided a wide array of health information to consumers. With so much buzz, it’s hard to know what to believe. You’ve heard about all the perceived health benefits of coconut oil—such as decreasing your risk for […]

What They Don’t Tell You About Low-carb and No-carb Diets
By Ryan Lawson, exercise specialist, with Brittany Nelson, RD, CHWC It seems like every week we hear about a new diet claiming to be the latest and best way to achieve weight loss. Typically these diets focus on consuming a majority of your calories from certain foods or eliminating specific foods altogether, which means you’re […]