When Should You Start Getting Mammograms?
Mammogram screenings play an important role in the early detection of breast cancer and breast disease. The American Cancer Society recommends the following guidelines for screenings: Yearly mammograms should start at age 40 and continue every year, as long as you’re healthy. Clinical breast exams should occur about every three years for women in their […]
5 Tips for Reading Nutrition Labels
By Ryan Lawson, Exercise Specialist at Riverview Health Rehab & Fitness Nutrition labels provide a wealth of information about the contents of packaged foods and drinks. However, this information can seem a bit overwhelming if you don’t know what to look for or how to interpret it. Nutrition labels are required on packaged foods by […]
Get Your Workout Started with the Fit for Life Program
Whether you’re just beginning to exercise, looking for a kick-start or need accountability to keep you on-track, the Fit for Life program at Riverview Health Rehab & Fitness is designed to lead you down the path of success. This eight-week program gives you the opportunity to develop effective, healthy, lifelong habits that improve your fitness […]
6 Tips to Get the Most Out of Strength Training
By Ryan Lawson, exercise specialist at Riverview Health Rehab & Fitness Strength training is a unique way to mold your body into better shape, but if you’re not seeing the results you want from your strength-training program, we’re here to help. The key to a successful strength-training program lies in varying your exercises, number of […]