7 Tips to Make Kid-friendly Lunches
By Katie Boscia, RD, IBCLC It can be tough to figure out how to pack a school lunch that’s healthy and something your child will actually eat. Here are some ideas to make lunch a little easier. Try a wrap. Instead of a boring sandwich, try using your child’s favorite lunch meat on a tortilla. […]

Helping Others with Your Newborn’s Cord Blood
By Amy Gardner, RNC-OB, MSN Department Manager, Riverview Health Maternity Center As an expecting mom, there’s bound to be a lot on your mind. One thing that may not be on the top of the list, but should be considered, is donating or saving the cord blood of your newborn baby. Without knowing all the […]

Having Fun in the Sun While Staying Safe
By Kathleen Miller, MD, Riverview Medical Group – Fishers Pediatrics Summertime for kids often means playing outside, which is a great way to get those little ones active after a long winter. With the warm weather, there’s bound to be plenty of sunshine. Though we get sun exposure all year long, summer is the most […]

Concussions and student athletes: What you need to know
Brian Cramer, Certified Athletic Trainer, Riverview Hospital Concussions and student athletes are a hot topic in the news these days. And while there’s a lot of information out there, some may still be wondering what all the fuss is about. Brian Cramer, a certified athletic trainer at Riverview Hospital, explains how concussions are a much […]

Sniffing, Snorting, Huffing…Oh, My!
Dr. Michael Fitzgerald, Pediatrician, Riverview Hospital Sniffing, snorting, huffing…oh my! Sounds more like allergy season in Indiana than the serious problem it is. These are all terms for using inhalants. Inhalants are sprays, liquids and chemicals that produce a quick high when absorbed into the bloodstream using one of the easiest and quickest ways—through the […]

“Back” to school: backpack safety
Sue Ellen Edrington, MSN, CNP, RN-BC Clinical Educator, Riverview Hospital Well, it’s back to school time. Most of our children are heading out to school with their backpack. Backpacks are better alternatives to carrying school supplies than heavy totes, messenger bags, or rolling totes. Heavy totes and messenger bags can cause pressure on the shoulder, […]

Falling leaves, apple cider, and…ear infections?
Ear infections are among the most common illnesses of early childhood and occur most frequently in the fall and winter months. It’s that time of year again! Noblesville Pediatrics board certified pediatrician, Joy Kain, MD, offers information on ear infections as well as a symptom guide to this common illness. Three out of four children […]