Concussions and student athletes: What you need to know
Brian Cramer, Certified Athletic Trainer, Riverview Hospital Concussions and student athletes are a hot topic in the news these days. And while there’s a lot of information out there, some may still be wondering what all the fuss is about. Brian Cramer, a certified athletic trainer at Riverview Hospital, explains how concussions are a much […]
Understanding your risk for type 2 diabetes
Colleen Kilberg RD, CD, CDE Riverview Hospital Diabetes Education Center Additional source: American Diabetes Association “Take care of yourself and stay healthy.” It’s something we’ve all heard our friends, family or doctor say at some point in our life. But for some of us, it’s easier said than done. For example, imagine having to count […]
Goal-setting for nutrition and weight loss
Weight loss. It’s something we probably all think about. And at times, the mere thought of shedding extra pounds can be overwhelming. Still, the benefits of losing weight are incredible—and it can be a great way to improve your overall health, feel better and gain more energy. Carrie Aloisio, a registered dietitian at Riverview Hospital, […]
Sniffing, Snorting, Huffing…Oh, My!
Dr. Michael Fitzgerald, Pediatrician, Riverview Hospital Sniffing, snorting, huffing…oh my! Sounds more like allergy season in Indiana than the serious problem it is. These are all terms for using inhalants. Inhalants are sprays, liquids and chemicals that produce a quick high when absorbed into the bloodstream using one of the easiest and quickest ways—through the […]
Preventing low-back pain
Megan Bastin, Riverview Hospital Certified Athletic Trainer Most people have experienced some type of low-back pain in their life. But did you know that, often times, these injuries and strains can be prevented? Megan Bastin, a certified athletic trainer at Riverview Hospital explains that the lower back is designed for a greater range of motion […]
Preventing ACL tears
Tony Zorger, Riverview Hospital Certified Athletic Trainer One of the most publicized sports injuries in recent years has been the anterior cruciate ligament—better known as an ACL—tear. The incident of this injury continues to rise, especially in high-impact sports like football, basketball, soccer, volleyball and baseball. This often season-ending, and in some cases, career-ending injury […]
Top 10 anti-inflammatory foods
Laura Kenny, MS, RD, CD Inflammation is the normal and natural response to body injury; however, unnecessary and chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on the body and promote illness. The modern diet contributes to inflammation through a variety of body mechanisms that are not completely understood. Eating too many fried foods, processed foods, omega-6 fats, […]
“Family recipes” – your genetic make up
Kristin Lamb, Wellness Coordinator This coming week, you may be attending several family functions – spending time with loved ones, enjoying holiday festivities, and exchanging your favorite recipes. And I hope you cherish every moment! I also encourage you to really listen to the conversations around you…even when Grandpa is going on and on about […]
‘Tis the season for…germs!
Kristin Lamb, Riverview Hospital Wellness Coordinator This time of year brings with it many great things – the holidays, time with family and friends, and hope for a new year ahead. What it also brings with it is…germs! Some quick points to keep in mind during cold and flu season. These principles will help prevent […]
Artificial sweeteners – are they safe?
Laura Kenny, MS, RD, CD In grocery stores, artificially sweetened products are everywhere! In an effort to “improve their nutritional profile”, beverages, yogurt, cereals, cookies, chips and even boxed entrees are utilizing artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Artificial sweeteners are designed to mimic the sweetness of sugar with fewer calories due to volume reduction and […]