Do breast lumps always equal breast cancer? Dr. Samuel Heiser explains.
Is there anything more frightening than performing your monthly self-breast exam and discovering a lump in your breast? Fortunately, the vast majority of breast lumps, particularly those that develop before menopause, are not cancerous. All, however, need to be taken seriously. One in nine women will experience breast cancer, but most can be cured. Early […]

Listening to Your Body
Ten years ago, Westfield resident Jennifer Fero looked similar to most busy moms: she was balancing a full-time job, taking care of her son, managing a household and helping care for an ill family member. There was no wonder why she felt tired all the time. Her skin and hair were dry, and her nails […]

Healthy Eating Habits for People with Diabetes
By Katie Boscia, RD Proper nutrition is important for everyone, but especially for those who have diabetes. With the proper diet, some individuals may even be able to keep their diabetes under control without medication. If you have diabetes, it’s important to talk with your healthcare provider and a dietitian to find out what type […]
Colon Cancer: Getting Tested Could Save Your Life
Also read: Personal Touches Aid Colorectal Cancer Recovery at Riverview Health If you are 50 or older, the American Cancer Society recommends you talk to your doctor about getting tested for colon cancer, even if you have no symptoms. If you have a parent, sibling or child who has had colon cancer or colon polyps, […]

Women: Take Charge of Your Cervical Health
By Polly Trainor, MD, OB/GYN Cervical health is a topic many women do not frequently think—or talk—about. For some, it’s brought up only during an annual gynecologic exam. On the other hand, some of us know a woman who has experienced a cervical health condition, which brings the topic front and center. January is National […]

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Know the Symptoms
Wheezing, a tightness in the chest, shortness of breath and coughing—all of these are symptoms of the common cold. Now imagine experiencing these symptoms not just for a couple of weeks, but all the time. This is the reality for those living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. Dr. Ahmad Saltagi, a pulmonologist at […]

Managing Bone and Joint Health
In recognition of Bone and Joint Health National Awareness Week, Riverview Hospital is highlighting steps you can take to prevent and treat bone and joint problems, such as back pain, arthritis, traumatic injuries and osteoporosis. To better understand these conditions, consider these facts from the US Bone and Joint Health Initiative: Nearly half of Americans […]

Alzheimer’s Disease and Early Intervention
Dr. Michael Levine—a board certified neurologist and sleep specialist—is the medical director of the Riverview Hospital Sleep/Wake Disorders Center. Imagine living with a memory that seems to be failing or frequently finding it difficult to complete once-familiar tasks. For those with Alzheimer’s disease, problems such as these are commonplace and frightening—not just to the person, […]

Understanding your risk for type 2 diabetes
Colleen Kilberg RD, CD, CDE Riverview Hospital Diabetes Education Center Additional source: American Diabetes Association “Take care of yourself and stay healthy.” It’s something we’ve all heard our friends, family or doctor say at some point in our life. But for some of us, it’s easier said than done. For example, imagine having to count […]

“Family recipes” – your genetic make up
Kristin Lamb, Wellness Coordinator This coming week, you may be attending several family functions – spending time with loved ones, enjoying holiday festivities, and exchanging your favorite recipes. And I hope you cherish every moment! I also encourage you to really listen to the conversations around you…even when Grandpa is going on and on about […]