It’s About Being Strong, Not Skinny
Shawna Reed Exercise Specialist at Riverview Health Rehab & Fitness When it comes to doing weight-bearing exercise now, your future self will thank you more than you know. Here’s why: Weight-bearing exercise not only helps you look good in your favorite sleeveless shirts and dresses, it also provides important health benefits to women at every […]
Body Knowledge: Helping Employees Meet Health and Wellness Goals
By Brittany Nelson, MS, RD Wellness Dietitian Traditionally, employers have shown their employees they care about them by providing health insurance, workplace safety improvements and added health and wellness benefits. Today, employers show support for their employees’ health and well-being by offering health and wellness services. Though these services can range from biometric screenings to […]
Burning Fat: What you Need to Know
Most of us go to the gym looking to feel better, tone up and lose a few pounds in the process. With all the weight loss information out there, developing an effective routine to achieve this can seem overwhelming. The most important concept to remember for weight loss is that, in order to lose weight, […]
The real scoop on Body Mass Index
Most of us are familiar with or have heard the acronym BMI (Body Mass Index). You may even know your exact BMI number. But do we truly understand the importance of what this number indicates? When you think of BMI, does it trigger a “Bad Mental Image” or is it more of a “Big Mysterious […]