Dr. Bridget Hurry, a dedicated board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist, is committed to providing comprehensive carefor women throughout their reproductive journey. Her clinicalexpertise encompasses both routine and high-risk obstetricalcare, ensuring that expectant mothers receive the necessarysupport and guidance. Dr. Hurry also specializes in antenatalcare, providing meticulous prenatal monitoring and education.Additionally, her proficiency in minimally invasive surgery allowsfor the effective treatment of gynecologic complications such asmiscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
Dr. Hurry received her medical degree from Loyola UniversityStritch School of Medicine. Her approach to patient care isgrounded in empathy and compassion. With over 20 years ofexperience, including six years of international practice in Uganda,Africa, she brings a global perspective to her work. Dr. Hurry isdedicated to listening attentively to her patients, understandingtheir unique needs, and collaborating with them to developpersonalized treatment plans.
Outside of work, Dr. Hurry is a wife, mother of two, and an avidtennis player and gardener.
Get to Know Dr. Bridget Hurry, MD